VMC AutoGroup Porsche consignment program is connecting buyers and sellers. Please contact Robert Neal if you would like a quote for your vehicle. If you have digital photos, send them to vmcautogroup@yahoo.com . We offer a commission-based consignment service, whereby we will advertise and market your vehicle as part of our regular inventory and obtain a price for the vehicle.
While VMC AutoGroup is interested in purchasing vehicles, there are circumstances in which it may be to the seller’s advantage to consider consignment rather than selling outright. Our Consignment Sales Program offers the best opportunity for the seller to maximize the return from the sale of any vehicle, with little or no risk of costs until the vehicle is sold.
Prior to consignment, we evaluate your vehicle for condition, current market demand and pricing. Once consigned, each vehicle is included on the website where your vehicle will be represented to the world and can be seen 24 hours a day. Your vehicle may also be listed for sale on sites such as eBay, AutoTrader, Cars.com and other web-based marketing avenues. We place your vehicle where it will best be seen by the buyer looking for that type of vehicle. We maintain a large database of parties seeking specific cars. Someone, somewhere, may be looking for your Porsche and we may know who they are.
Of course, anyone can run a few ads, but that is not selling your car. That is just the beginning. There are other details like responding to inquiries; from answering phone calls and emails to requests for photos and more questions or detailed descriptions; setting appointments to show the car; qualifying and negotiating with each potential buyer; finalizing settlement; funds; title transfers; making delivery arrangements. All of this takes time, and can cost money. All of this service is included as we facilitate the consignment sale.
If you are considering the sale of your vehicle, contact us to discuss how our consignment program can help you sell your car. We’ve successfully represented many vehicles and we welcome the chance to discuss your current needs. Please feel free to contact me for more details.
All the best,
Robert Neal